Our change is unique and immortal
One of our family dogs died yesterday. I'm trying to make sense of his death and to ponder how he might live on. Rest in peace Chipo.
To live is to take on the embodiment of the universal spirit that animates our world/universe and all being/things (living and non-living alike).
To live is to be and give a unique expression to that universal spirit in the physical/material universe.
While alive, we interact with and affect the physical, emotional, and spiritual universe or multiverses. Our actions, thoughts, feelings, and being also change the nature of the original universal spirit and the unique expressions of all beings/things around us. This is how ‘we’ (the temporal physical manifestation of the universal spirit) live on. Forever. It’s the way we are immortal. Our essence is the unique expression of the universal spirit and it transforms the physical/emotional/spiritual universe as it exists. So ‘we’ are the transformation/change we enact throughout our lives.
We are not a physical body. We are not a metaphysical mind. We are only the change we enact.
Everything we do enacts change. I don’t mean social change or even positive change. I just mean any change. I’m using change as a neutral term.
So when we die. When the universal spirit’s unique physical and emotional embodiment ceases to exist in our body/mind, our essence (the change we affect) lives on forever. The material/emotional/spiritual changes we affect throughout our physical life, live on in the changes to the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms of the earth and universe.
Our short temporal being contributes to the spirit or nature of the universe. Our uniqueness lives on in those contributions/effects/changes.
It is that uniqueness that is us. It is that which lives forever. It is that which makes us immortal. That is the reason we should not fear death. We should embrace it. As the end of our, or of one, unique physical/emotional/spiritual expression of life and the universal spirit itself.
That’s how I’m making sense of life and death right now anyway :)